Protect your online business

Offending IPs


A report out from Cybersecurity Ventures estimates cybercrime has cost the world $6 trillion by 2021, up from $3 trillion in 2015.

This includes damage and destruction of data, stolen money, lost productivity, theft of intellectual property, theft of personal and financial data, embezzlement, fraud, post-attack disruption to the normal course of business, forensic investigation, restoration and deletion of hacked data and systems, and reputational harm.

Many companies do suffer the poor services they are offering through the internet. They are not conscious of the fact that the problem comes from the slowness and bad functioning originated, the bigger part, from the massive increase in Brute Force Attacks we are detecting these last few months. These are automated polymorphic attacks, aimed at discovering online services’ user names and passwords, to put them in the black market and get a profit out of stolen personal and financial data.

Bad functioning alienates potential customers. And personal and financial data undue access put the company in strain with legal personal information protection rules.

¿Do you know that both traditional firewalls, and Next Generation ones, are useless against Brute Force attacks, the most active nowadays, if not armed with an Offending IPs list like ours as a perimeter security defense?

Cybercrime is becoming a nightmare to companies and standard users as more and more cyber criminals add more resources and pressure to get the money and the control over the Internet.

Thousands of new connected systems -also IoT devices- are hacked every day and added to any of the existing Z (Bot) networks. The attacking procedures are changing every day. Thus, many pattern-based protecting systems become obsolete too fast and reputational IP’s systems are both not covering all sources of offense and refreshing their lists too slowly.

The only efficient way to protect our connected systems has become to enhance perimeter security and preventively ban the offending IPs, used by the hacked systems to attack the rest of the Internet, in our systems’ firewalls, almost in real time.

For all companies that face endless email spams, ransomware and server attacks, and for companies that want to protect their websites and critical systems against DDOS or any other kind of malicious attacks coming from hacked systems behind offending IPs, we introduce you to a resource that has been specifically designed to keep corporate systems safe and just ready to deliver the requested workload.

¿Have you detected that your site performance is downgrading without a clear reason? ¿Are your users complaining? ¿Are you watching big unproductive traffic?

After all the efforts undertaken to prevent click-fraud and mail-spam, we have created, through our own entity, a list of offending IPs out of a set of successful algorithms that will work worldwide.

This list has grown to more than 405,000 offending IPs that, if used to attack altogether, or by groups, could cause a tremendous negative impact in any corporate network or system. And it grows every day by a number of newly detected Offending IPs that we add to our list. This list, used in any kind of firewall (even those of the servers systems) and updated 96 times a day, becomes the best tool to avoid BRUTE-FORCE, DDOS, SQL Server Injection, SMTP, SPAM, PHISHING and RANSOMWARE attacks to websites, corporate networks and critical systems.

If you think you are covered against these kind of attacks, please consider checking use cases in the below attached PDF short document. Download/watch the mentioned PDF document to see technical details, use cases, update policy, pricing and more details.

Latest News: Millions of remote desktop accounts attacked every week
OffendingIPs Documentation

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